ORBL Badminton League

Todmorden A

Alpha A


Todmorden A

Alpha A

Todmorden A


Balderstone A

ORBL Badminton League


Alpha A

Alpha B

Saddleworth A

Saddleworth B

Handicap Knockout 2024 FINALS

After a great evening of badminton, The Don’s took the title of 2024 ORBL Handicap Competition Winners

The Team Handicap competition final was played on Monday 25th March at Oulder Hill Leisure Centre between Dons and Alpha ‘C’. Dons scored 378 aces to Alpha ‘C’s 182 the handicap which was in favour of Alpha’C’ was 120.5 giving them a total of 302.5 making Dons the winners by 75.5 points.

It was a hard-fought match right to the very last point both teams playing at their best, the scoresheet does not indicate the effort both sides put into their games. Although Dons won by some margin Alpha ‘C’ can come away proud of themselves. Alpha ‘C’ being mostly a young group, looks likely to be an up-and-coming team for the future and the likes of Mizan Rahman, Alex Buckley and Laura Webster who all played strongly, should help to make this happen.

Dons are a much more experienced team and with great play from Eliza Condrea showed their style, as the whole team played their part to obtain this win. It was around the 2002/3 season that Dons were the winners of this trophy previously and, amazingly, Martin Spencer, Tony Mooney and Nick Weston played in that match too. Tony is declaring he is the oldest player to play in a final at the fine old age of 72.

Words by P Turner




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We are the longest-standing badminton league in the North West, formed in the 1950’s after a group of friends decided to form a competitive mixed doubles league.


Division 1
A & B Teams

Todmorden Badminton Club


Phil 07914007695

Going back to at least 1976, Todmorden has played at various venues throughout the years, including Tod High School, and The Sports Centre & most recently have upped sticks & moved to Littleborough. Playing with plastics for most of that, they moved to feathers (not before time) when they started playing out of Littleborough.

Having been Champions of the Burley League numerous times with plastic shuttles & being the last team to win before the league folded, they have transitioned to feathers & gone on to win the 3rd division at the Oldham & Rochdale Badminton League at first attempt, & the following year fielded a second team who won the second division at first attempt leading to this year having two teams in the first division.

A Team

Saddleworth Badminton Club


Paul on 07593 244111

We play at Saddleworth High School, Huddersfield Road, Diggle, OL3 5NU, our Club night is on Wednesdays from 08.00 pm to 10.00 pm and we endeavour to play year-round. The charge for a visitor is £5.00 per night
We are a well-established all-inclusive Club that prides itself on our friendly competitive attitude, having one team in the 1st division and one in the 2nd division of the ORBL League. Although we are not set up for complete beginners anyone with any experience is welcome to come down and give it a try. In the event we have a home match on a Wednesday we still have courts available for Club members and visitors to play.

A Team

Balderstone Badminton Club

Balderstone Badminton Club play every Monday night from late September to the following Easter. The club is a founder member of the Rochdale Badminton League which was merged with the Oldham Badminton league in 1992/3 to form the current Oldham and Rochdale Badminton League (ORBL)

The club offers both social and league badminton and currently has a team in division 1 and 2 of the ORBL. As well as badminton the club organises social events during the year including for each weather season a full days walk followed by a curry night.

Don's Badminton Club

Just a little potted history and names, the club was originally formed in the 1960`s passed
from generation to generation,
Martin Spencer currently managing the club started back in 1978 as an 18-year-old, Past players : Dave Fox, Dave Johnson, Pete Ramsden, Frank Stefek, Phil Randle, Keith Hicks, Alan Dunn, Mike Cassidy, Mike Hayes, Andy Pilkington, Mike Omeara, Mike Goman, Harry Lord, Don Diskin, Dennis Middleton, Richard Power, Judith Barker, Kath Howell, Neil Barnes, Ian Barnes, David Hetherington, John Mitchell, Graham White.
Current team 2023 : Martin Spencer, Nick Weston, Neil Tuersley, Eliza Condrea, Mark Webster, Keith Sandiford, Tony Mooney
A & B Teams

Alpha Badminton Club

Monday Evenings
Falinge Park High School,
Falinge Rd,
OL12 6LD
Adults: 8 - 10pm
A Team

Heys A Team

We're an amateur club for intermediate players, playing every Wednesday 7.30 to 10pm.
The Heys School, Heys Road, Prestwich M25 1JZ.
We use feather shuttles and offer social play as well competing in local leagues.

MEBC Badminton Club

Manchester Edgeley Badminton Club is the home of friendly competitive badminton in Greater Manchester. We are a modern club that offers "pay as you play" club nights and matches in the Manchester Badminton League. We are affiliated with the Badminton England.

Club nights are 8-10pm on Thursday evenings at Avondale Leisure Centre near Stockport (SK3 0UP). The cost is £8 per club night. All adult players are welcome.

We currently have two teams in the top division of the Manchester League ( Manchester Badminton League ). Last season we finished 2nd and 4th in the league.

We have also fielded a team in the ORBL League.

The teams also operate on a pay-as-you-play basis with a squad of players ranging from county to good league badminton players. We are always looking for new players to strengthen the teams.

Division 2
A & B Teams

Phoenix Badminton Club

We are Phoenix Badminton Club, based at the moment at The Radclyffe School, Hunt Lane, Chadderton. Playing our club nights and home matches on a Tuesday 8.00pm to 10.00pm. At the present, we run two teams which play competitive matches in the Oldham & Rochdale Badminton League.

Our Club is a friendly diverse place, we have endeaver to ensure that all members have their fair share of matches. The Club tries to make sure that there is a club night every Tuesday for the members not playing matches that night, and any visitors wanting to come to practice (we do need to know in advance if you intend to attend, to ensure we have enough courts booked). The cost to non-members is £8.00 per night.

It's not the done thing nowadays to go to the pub after playing (we also don't finish till 10pm) but we have arranged 'curry nights' out during the season as the alternative and we make sure new members assimilate easily.

Edenfield Badminton Club

A very warm and welcoming club, open to everyone of all ages and at any level of play. if you are looking to play badminton to improve your game or just to stay fit and healthy then look no further, why don't you come along and see for yourself?

The club is based at the Hazelwood High School, Tuesday, 8-10

C & D Teams

Alpha Badminton Club

Monday Evenings
Falinge Park High School,
Falinge Rd,
OL12 6LD
Adults: 8 - 10pm
B Team

Heys Badminton Club

We're an amateur club for intermediate players, playing every Wednesday 7.30 to 10pm.
The Heys School, Heys Road, Prestwich M25 1JZ.
We use feather shuttles and offer social play as well competing in local leagues.

Oakgate Badminton Club

We have been running as a club for over 40 years, and we still have some of original members playing. We are a vibrant, friendly club, with 5 teams in total this year, in the Rochdale, Rossendale, Whitefield and Manchester leagues.

We play on Fridays at Unsworth Academy School, Bury, 7.30-10.00 pm. We have 4 courts which allows us to have club nights as well as matches every week. We welcome guests and this year have had a big increase in the number of visitors. We also run social events and an annual club tournament.

Shawclough Badminton Club

Founded by a like-minded group of friends in the 1950s, Shawclough Badminton Club was one of the founding clubs of the Rochdale Area Badminton League. It has continued without break to play in both mixed and the open leagues since then. Its home venue has been Falinge Park High School for over 30 years and has seen many improvements to the sports facility to today's modern 5-court venue.
Membership of the club, like many, has declined from a position of 50 members with a waiting list, to around 20 today. However, the club remains stable and has a consistent reputation for fielding a mixed team in the Whitefield League and at least one open team in the Oldham and Rochdale Badminton League together with a popular club night every Wednesday evening from September through to April each year. For the last few years a summer club has also run at Oulder Hill School. Anyone who has played badminton and is interested in playing at a friendly and open club is welcome and some basic coaching and guidance is available to those who want it.
B Team

Saddleworth Badminton Club


Paul on 07593 244111

We play at Saddleworth High School, Huddersfield Road, Diggle, OL3 5NU, our Club night is on Wednesdays from 08.00 pm to 10.00 pm and we endeavour to play year-round. The charge for a visitor is £5.00 per night
We are a well-established all-inclusive Club that prides itself on our friendly competitive attitude, having one team in the 1st division and one in the 2nd division of the ORBL League. Although we are not set up for complete beginners anyone with any experience is welcome to come down and give it a try. In the event we have a home match on a Wednesday we still have courts available for Club members and visitors to play.

B Team

Balderstone Badminton Club

Balderstone Badminton Club play every Monday night from late September to the following Easter. The club is a founder member of the Rochdale Badminton League which was merged with the Oldham Badminton league in 1992/3 to form the current Oldham and Rochdale Badminton League (ORBL)

The club offers both social and league badminton and currently has a team in division 1 and 2 of the ORBL. As well as badminton the club organises social events during the year including for each weather season a full days walk followed by a curry night.